Walking In Love

28th APRIL 2024

Christ for Youth International


Christ for Youth International

Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them; they don’t know what they’re doing.” Dividing up his clothes, they threw dice for them. The people stood there staring at Jesus, and the ringleaders made faces, taunting, “He saved others. Let’s see him save himself! The Messiah of God — ha! The Chosen — ha!” [Luke 23:34 — 35 MSG]

As Jesus’ followers, our standard in all our dealings must be entirely inspired by the life of Christ. By our own effort, we will not be able to live the Christian life nor lead as kingdom people. That is why we have the Holy Spirit, to enable, lead and teach us to live like Christ.

God will not task us with what He knows we will not be able to do. We are faced daily with the temptation of holding grudges against our brothers and sisters as we interact. We may get offended or hurt by the actions and inactions of people as we lead or serve them. Christ demonstrated His love for humanity by redeeming us even when we made a mockery of Him. We must trust that the divine nature of Christ is at work in us to love others unconditionally.

It is possible that the people you are leading, serving and giving your all for, can turn and make a mockery of you. They can be cruel and do all manner of things that will just break your heart. And when people you have authority and power over, do such hurtful things to you as a leader, your response should be like Jesus’.

Unforgiveness festers like a sore. Forgiveness begins the healing process. — Dr Evelyn Owusu

Let’s not wallow in carnality to validate the reasons not to forgive others. The rate at which we forgive others must stem from our personal experience with God’s mercy on a daily basis. The Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom to know how to handle tension; whether to confront the issue by talking about it or just sweep it under the carpet of love. God seeks to foster peace and harmony wherever a Jesus follower is present.

Our lives must reflect that of Christ in our quest to win others over to Him. The life of Christ is a life of love.

The ultimate manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives is love. We must allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in our love towards God, ourselves and others.

Holy Spirit, help me to walk in love towards all people, regardless of how they may treat me. Grant me the strength to forgive them when they wrong me, Amen.

Further Reading: Colossians 3:13; Ephesians 4:32

Bible In One Year: 1 Chronicles[23–26]

