The Body Of Christ

5th MAY 2024

Christ for Youth International


Christ for Youth International

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Ecclesiastes 4:9–10 NIV “

“It is not good for man to be alone,” the Almighty God said. While this scripture is often quoted at weddings, the same can be said for the community of believers.

No man is an island! We were not meant to be isolated. Yes, salvation is personal, but it gives you the ticket to bond with fellow believers. We grow in community, we learn to love and serve each other. Where else can we learn forgiveness, love, and endurance than with brothers and sisters washed with the blood of Christ? Even though we sometimes get our toes stepped on, it is to be expected because we are not perfect yet.

How do you serve in the body of Christ if you are determined to be alone? How are you encouraged on the days that you are feeling down? How will you network, fellowship, and share ideas with like-minded people? How will you prepare for the harvest of the souls God is bringing our way, if not within a community? All these lean heavily on fellowship with fellow believers.

Like a jigsaw puzzle, we complete each other. You have a gift or an ability or a piece of advice that someone will benefit from, the same way you will benefit from someone else’s. Most importantly, as the Bible says, iron sharpens iron. Like the human body, when one part is not functioning properly, the other senses are heightened to help the body function well. The same goes for the body of Christ, we exist to uplift and help one another in times of need. How do you get upliftment if you are on your own? The community of believers encourages you, reminds you of the word, and challenges you to be all God has called you to be.

The more you communicate with your Christian brothers and sisters, the easier it is for you to stay on the path God has set for you.

Finally, consider the wolves, they attack sheep that have isolated themselves from the flock. The disciples of Christ were always found performing miracles and spreading the gospel together, and with that, they were able to win countless souls for Christ. If you find yourself drawing away from your church or Christian friends, chances are that a trap is being laid for you.

The Bible encourages us to work together with each other and uplift one another. It is an admonition that we should all take to heart. Today, ask yourself, “What one thing can I do to improve my relationship with a fellow believer?

Heavenly Father thank You for the body of Christ and for making me a member of the body. Help me stay connected to the body all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Further Reading: Proverbs 27:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Bible In One Year: 2 Chronicles [22–25]

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