Let Us Return

23rd MAY 2023

Christ for Youth International


Christ for Youth International

“Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.” Revelations 2:4, NIV

This is a famous line in one of the seven letters addressed to the churches mentioned in Revelations. The verses prior to this suggest that the church was effective in ministry and the assessment of even those who called themselves apostles. However, it was a loveless church.

Jesus, while on earth, taught that the summation of the commandments is found in love, which makes us understand the importance of this virtue in our faith. Without love, our works are dead, and we are left at the mercy of our human strength in doing effective ministry. The call to love is said to be the greatest and first commandment [Matthew 22:38], making it an utmost priority for believers.

As seen in our verse for today, God held the lovelessness of this church against them, although they were doing other things right. This is a timeless word that seeks to remind us even in this day, to always make sure we do not abandon this first love while we get lost in ministry, our career pursuits, relationships, goals and other commitments. Like Martha, caught up in much serving, we may similarly be occupied by the happenings in our lives. Regardless, we must strive to be like Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ resting in His love while listening to His teaching.

Paul while addressing the church in Corinth [2 Corinthians 11:2] stated, “I promised you to one husband, to Christ” meaning believers are betrothed to a divine and sacred romance. How then do we remain a bride to Christ when we forsake the love we had for Him at first?

Jesus through His Word beckons you to Himself this day, asking that you return to that immense state of love you had in the beginning. He has always loved us first, and we can trust that when we come back running, He would meet us with love.

Lord, I thank You for reminding me of Your Love for me through Your Word. I ask that You help me return to my state of immense love for You amidst all distractions in my life so I may live a life of love for You and those around me in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Further Reading: Hebrews 6:10–11

Bible In One Year: Psalms [31–34]

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