Do All He Says.

3rd JANUARY 2022

Christ for Youth International


Christ for Youth International

The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. [Psalms 19:9–11 ESV]

Have you ever caught yourself drawn to honour some portions of the word of God while leaving out other parts? If you have never honoured His word partially, we are happy for you and encourage you to keep on honouring the full counsel of His will. However, if you have been in that position or are in that position of partially honouring His word, you probably aren’t alone, and we hope we will learn from today’s precious moment to do better.

Every instruction the LORD gives to us is pure, without ill-intentions, full of truth, hence endures forever. Consider all the manuals and instructions that come with the gadgets we buy. It is true that some people do not read them and yet make use of their gadgets. That is usually because such people have been exposed to pre-existing knowledge about the product. Also, they are likely to discover some functionalities by chance and are less likely to get the most out of the gadget. The instructions are to make us use the product to the maximum best, keep it in great condition for as long as possible, and even know how to fix errors when they occur.

The instructions of the LORD are not independent of each other. They are neither segregated nor in isolation from each other. They are interdependent and collectively righteous, profitable for our total wellbeing and growth in all things. The scripture says, “by them is your servant warned,” and we know that to be forewarned is to be forearmed. The rewards for this year are embedded in honouring the fear [instruction/word] of the LORD.

Do you want to experience great things this year? Do you want to stay totally connected to the LORD? Yes, it is good you give your tithes, but why are you forsaking the gathering of the saints? It is commendable that you proclaim the gospel, but why do you fail to pray without ceasing? It is not about doing one or the other at the expense of another; God wants the complete nature of Christ in you.

Heavenly Father, help me to obey all Your instructions to the latter at all cost. Amen

Further Reading: Psalms 119:160 / John 2:5

Prophetic Declaration: Psalms 91

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