Being True To Your Word

25th APRIL 2024

Christ for Youth International


Christ for Youth International

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” [John 16:13 NLT]

Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Integrity is not a given factor in everyone’s life. According to John Maxwell, “Integrity is a result of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all situations in our lives.”

Integrity is a unique quality a leader must possess. In a world where winning at all costs seems to be the norm, our dependence on the leadership of the Holy Spirit to guide us to live a life of integrity, as it is required of us as Jesus followers, is very vital. The Holy Spirit impresses on our hearts a sense of responsibility to be effective and efficient in our sphere of influence.

Integrity will teach us to hold ourselves to our word. We learn not to make promises we know we cannot fulfil. As leaders, we must take the necessary steps to work to meet the targets we set for ourselves.

Integrity will teach us to remain consistent in serving in our designated areas of responsibility.

Be it at church, work or home, we seek to do what is right, not what seems comfortable or easy. Though Jesus faced many obstacles, His Integrity was intact throughout His walk here on earth. He focused on fulfilling the mission of restoring God’s initial plan for humanity through salvation. Therefore, our focus as children of God should be on fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives, even as leaders.

Heavenly Father, give me the grace not to deviate to the left or the right, but to be honest and stick to the moral principles You have set in my heart, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Further Reading: John 14:17

Bible In One Year: 1 Chronicles [11–14]

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